In big breaking news, India’s Test captain Virat Kohli has confirmed that he will be available for the upcoming three-match ODI series against South Africa scheduled in January 2022. Team India will be playing as many as 3 Test matches and a three-match ODI series in South Africa starting with the first Test match from 26 December in Centurion. The three ODI matches are scheduled on 19, 21 and 23 January 2022 respectively in Paarl and Cape Town.
Virat Kohli Confirms Availability for South Africa ODIs
Ahead of his departure for the South Africa tour, Virat Kohli addressed a virtual press conference where he clearly that he is surely available for the three-match ODI series against South Africa squashing all the previous rumours.
While clearing all the rift stories, Virat stated that there is no problem between him and Rohit Sharma.
“I was and I am available for selection. I haven’t had any communication to BCCI where I have asked for any break. I am available for selection for ODIs in South Africa,” said Virat Kohli during the pre-tour press conference.
“There is no problem between me and Rohit Sharma. I have been clarifying for the past two years and I am tired,” he added.
SA vs IND 2021: Virat Kohli Press Conference
While addressing BCCI’s decision of sacking him as the ODI captain, Virat Kohli mentioned that he was told by the selectors just an hour-and-a-half before the Test team for the South Africa tour was announced. He also revealed that his big decision to step down as the India T20I captain post the T20 World Cup was accepted really well by the BCCI. Kohli had also stated his wish to continue captaining the national side in ODIs and Test matches, but was fine even if the selectors and office bearers did not think the same.