Indian batting sensation Shubman Gill had a tough time facing the Pakistan seamers in the opening game in Asia Cup 2023 in Pallekele. The 24-year-old, who’s in the form of his life this year, could only score 10 (32) as he lost his stumps against Haris Rauf. Gill looked troubled by the trio of Shaheen Afridi (4/35), Naseem Shah (3/36) and Haris Rauf (3/58) as he failed to counter their excellent control on swing.
“When you are playing at this level, you play left-armer pacers previously at some point in your career. We do not play Pakistan that much as compared to the other sides. They have a quality bowling attack. When you do not face such a bowling attack frequently and are not used to it, it makes a difference,” Gill was quoted as saying by HindustanTimes.
Further speaking ahead, Gill credited all three Pakistan seamers for presenting different challenges to the batters.
We need to make a good start and dominate them from the beginning: Shubman Gill
“They are very different fast bowlers and they have their own specialities. Shaheen gets the ball to swing a lot. Naseem is all about pace and likes help from the wicket. They present different challenges in different conditions. As openers, we need to make a good start and dominate them from the beginning,” he added