Former Indian cricketer and chief selector Chetan Sharma while speaking to News 24 opened up about the Indian team’s performance during the ODI World Cup 2023. Chetan stated that the Indian team have been playing with a set plan for a long time. The same plan was in Australia during the T20 World Cup 2022. However, the plan couldn’t have been executed due to the pitches in Australia, but as per Chetan Sharma, the cricket India played in CWC 2023 was commendable.
Chetan Sharma opens up on Team India’s performance in ODI World Cup 2023
Chetan Sharma said, “You will find very few players who are sacrificing themselves for the team. We made a plan, we had this plan in Australia also. We planned that we had to play from above and the people behind would take care of themselves. You played according to a plan. I liked it very much, you scored 80 runs in 10 overs and the others will do the rest. 80 runs, 300 runs in 50 overs are yours, what else do you need?”
As per Chetan Sharma, Rohit Sharma also played as per the plan, and the Indian team completely demolished the opposition. Chetan Sharma further said that throughout the tournament he didn’t feel that any team played cricket like the Indian team played. However, there are bad days in cricket, but god is seeing everything the T20 World Cup will be coming home this year.
Chetan Sharma added, “Rohit played exactly according to his plan, the performance given by the Indian team, we did not win 10 matches, we had defeated everyone. I did not feel that the opposition knew how to play cricket like the Indian team was playing. Ok one off match, you have had a bad day but God is watching, T20 is coming to us.”
India have not won an ICC title in the past ten years. India have lost 9 ICC knockout matches in the past 10 years and have not been able to win the crucial moments of the ICC knockout games. India would want to end their ICC title drought in the upcoming T20 World Cup.