Former India batter Ambati Rayudu recently opened up on his infamous team India snub from the 2019 ODI World Cup squad. Notably, Rayudu was not picked in the squad for the mega event as all-rounder Vijay Shankar pipped him for his ‘3D skills’ as mentioned by the then chief selector MSK Prasad.
Recalling the incident, Rayudu termed it as pure stupidity by team management to consider him to be underconfident just because he’s calm and quiet individual.
“That team management thought that just because I’m calm quiet and always to myself. They thought maybe I was not too confident. That’s some stupid logic these guys come up with sometimes. How can you judge someone’s confidence by looking at them,” said Rayudu on The Ranveer Show with Ranveer Allahbadia.
“Maybe Yes (No 4 spot was mine), that World Cup (2019) yes. I’ve said in many interviews, if not me there was Ajju (Ajinkya Rahane) there. Why didn’t you take a proper number four like Shreyas in recent World Cup. It was quite shocking. You’re going in for a World Cup not for some personal league tournament. During that phase the management was no true to itself when it comes to their decisions. However, under Rohit, he’s been captaining brilliantly,” he added.