Sports Minister of Sri Lanka, Roshan Ranasinghe instructed the Sports Director General to submit a report on Chamika Karunaratne’s exclusion from the ODI team, Chamika Karunaratne has been handed a one-year ban following a ‘disciplinary inquiry’ by Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC).
Chamika Karunaratne banned from all forms of cricket
“Considering the seriousness of the violations committed by Mr. Karunaratne, the Inquiry Panel by its report has recommended to the Executive Committee of the SLC to strongly warn the player to refrain from further violations and to impose a punishment that will not have an impact on his cricketing career,” SLC stated.
“Subsequent to the said findings and recommendations of the inquiry panel the Executive Committee of SLC has handed a one-year ban from taking part in all forms of Cricket, and the said ban will be suspended for a period of one year,” SLC added.