Royals Sports Group-owned IPL franchise Rajasthan Royals, renowned for its commitment to nurturing young cricketing talent, has announced that the franchise will be launching a new cricket academy in the city of Jaipur. In collaboration with the PS Sports Agency in Jaipur, the Rajasthan Royals Cricket Academy is set to promote cricket development within the state, enabling the talented men and women to learn to play the sport the Royals way.
The Academy, which will be launched early next year, will be based at the PS Sports Excellence Arena, Ring Road, Muhana, and will serve as a stepping stone for more academies to be inaugurated by the franchise in Rajasthan in the coming years.
However, what makes this opportunity even more exciting, is the chance for young male and female players coming through the academy to compete against other Royals’ Academies under the purview of Royals’ coaches and scouts, get access to the Royals’ High Performance Centre in Nagpur and receive insights from former and current Royals’ star players.
Jake Lush McCrum, Chief Executive Officer, Rajasthan Royals, expressed his excitement on the new venture, saying, “The upcoming Rajasthan Royals Cricket Academy in Jaipur is a significant development for our franchise as we look to further support grassroots cricket in the state. The quality facilities will enable us to develop a large pool of male and female players who we hope will be the future stars of Rajasthan and Indian cricket.”
Former Royals’ player Pankaj Singh, who was part of the inaugural IPL-winning Royals’ team, was present during the announcement in Jaipur. He said, “I am pleased to see my first-ever IPL team, the Rajasthan Royals, taking this step to enhance the quality of cricket in the state. The Rajasthan Royals Cricket Academy will create a platform for young cricketers in Jaipur and neighboring areas to hone their skills and achieve their true potential. It will also motivate the young kids to take up the sport and dream of playing for India, Rajasthan and the Royals one day.”