Indian cricket team’s head coach, Rahul Dravid, voiced his concerns regarding a significant shift in the game of cricket. Dravid, the legendary batter known for his brilliant cricketing mind, highlighted how changes in fielding restrictions have affected part-time bowlers and the dynamics of the game.
“I think it could be because of the rule change. Suddenly you have gone from four fielders inside the ring to five fielders inside the ring. I think that has drastically changed the ability of part-time bowlers to be able to bowl in the middle phase,” Dravid told press.
“If you remember and mention all these names (Sachin, Sourav, Sehwag, Yuvraj, Raina) bowling in this phase, a lot of these guys started when there used to be only four fielders in the ring,” he added.
“Partly, it is because of two new balls, you have got five fielders in the ring in the middle overs. It’s not that they are not bowling in the nets, a lot of bowlers do try, they bowl in the nets. But if you don’t get opportunities to bowl in the middle then it becomes very difficult to develop your skill,” he said.