Tamil Nadu Cricket Association has launched a program to scout talented bowlers after their journey at the Ranji Trophy ended early once again. Tamil Nadu have failed to advance beyond the group stages in the previous five editions after reaching the semifinals in the 2016–17 season.
Veteran Indian spinner Ravichandran Ashwin has launched the program which will focus on finding good bowlers from around the state.
“There is a lot of talent in the districts of the state (Tamil Nadu). The emergence of T Natarajan is a case in point. And through the Tamil Nadu Premier League (TNPL), which has acted as a vehicle for budding talent since its inception, players such as N Jagadeesan and B Sai Sudharsan have come up the ranks,” Ashwin said.
“Planning is one thing, and executing is quite another. As a bowling scout, you can assess and monitor the bowler’s action, his accuracy, the revolutions he imparts on the ball (in the case of a spinner), and the X factor he possesses. Identifying the right talent is the key and of equal importance is sustaining them over a period of time. TNCA can utilise my services in any capacity as I understand what it takes to play at a high-performance level. It is vital to have a robust supply chain of cricketers given the packed schedule these days and the number of injuries,” Ashwin added.