Outcast Indian opening batter Shikhar Dhawan in a recent interview, thanked current India skipper Rohit Sharma for supporting him throughout the time the duo came out to bat together. Dhawan gave credit to Rohit for providing comfort and assurance from the other end during the times when scored big runs.
The pair of Shikhar Dhawan and Rohit Sharma was perhaps one of the greatest opening pairs India have ever had after the legendary pair of Virender Sehwag and Gautam Gambhir. India have rarely seen a left-hand-right-hand combination of Viru and Gauti and after they were overlooked by the management, it was Dhawan and Rohit who took the onus.
Currently, the door for Dhawan’s comeback in the Indian team seems far-fetched and distant but the love and admiration he still has for his former opener is truly amazing. Dhawan while speaking to Times of India, claimed that his partnership with Rohit is the most successful pair ever in his eyes.
“Rohit Sharma and I have formed one of the most successful opening partnerships for the Indian cricket team in limited overs cricket as per me. My collaboration with Rohit and his support at the other end at the top of the order has been instrumental in providing strong starts to the team, settling the foundation for successful chases and big totals. I seriously give credit for a lot of my best performances to Rohit’s support.” – Shikhar Dhawan said.
“Our Best Innings Was The 193-Run Opening Stand Against Australia”, Shikhar Dhawan Opines
Shikhar Dhawan stated that Rohit gave assurances and comfort to him whenever he was on for something big. Dhawan said that he is very proud of the fact that they have scored over 6000 runs together as a pair including 19 century stands and 16 half-century stands.
He then remembered their best innings together and claimed their 193-run stand for the first wicket against Australia stands as his favorite inning together. His 2nd favorite was the one that they played against Pakistan, a 210-run partnership during the 2018 Asia Cup.
“Rohit on the other end gives that sense of comfort and assurance. We have scored over 6000 runs together, with 19 century stands and 16 half-century stands. I think our best innings was a 193-run opening stand against Australia in the 4th ODI at Mohali in 2019 and the 2nd best will be against Pakistan in the 2018 Asia Cup in Dubai where we put together a 210-run stand for the first wicket.” – Rohit Sharma concluded.