The latest viral video circulating on social media serves as evidence that Dhoni excels at providing relationship advice in real life. In this video, the cricketer is seen engaging with a crowd and sharing valuable relationship tips with his unmarried friends. During his advice-giving session, he skillfully dispels any misconceptions they may have regarding their beaus. He says,
“Bachelors, jinki girlfriend hai unka ek misconception hota hai jo ki main clear karna chahunga by ending this answer, Yeh mat sochna ki meri wali alag hai. (Bachelors, who have this misconception and I would like to make it clear to them that, don’t thing your girl is different).”
The 2019 World Cup Semi-Final runout that was a final chapter in Dhoni’s career
“It is difficult to control the emotions in a close game (especially) when you have lost. Inside, I am done with my planning. To me, that was the last day I played cricket for India (even though) I announced my retirement one year later. But the fact was, that day I retired,” Mahi said during a promotional event for RIGI.