International Cricket Council, along with the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI), have announced the schedule for the upcoming ODI World Cup on Tuesday, June 27. Notably, India will be playing their first match against Australia at the MA Chidambaram Stadium in Chennai, while the much-awaited game against Pakistan will be played at Narendra Modi Stadium on October 15.
“It’s going to be a great experience playing in the World Cup at home. India won here 12 years ago, and I know fans nationwide can’t wait for us to take the field this time. This World Cup is going to be very competitive as the game has become faster and the teams are playing more positively than ever before. All this augurs well for fans worldwide, promising them many thrilling moments.
“We look forward to preparing well and being at our best this October-November,” Rohit said in a statement released by BCCI.