In a recent statement the legendary India all-rounder, Yuvraj Singh, has voiced his concerns about the omission of spinner Yuzvendra Chahal from India’s 15-member squad for the upcoming ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023. The tournament is set to commence on October 5, and Yuvraj’s insights have ignited a spirited debate among cricket enthusiasts.
“Leaving out Yuzvendra Chahal could be a mistake, could be a worry. At least could have kept him in the squad. A leg-spinner is someone who will always take wickets for you. Kuldeep is doing fantastic. But Chahal could have been dangerous on turning tracks and slower wickets. Hardik giving you the balance of a third seamer, you could have picked Yuzvendra Chahal,” remarked Yuvraj during his conversation with The Week.
Yuvraj minced no words on Bumrah’s comeback and India’s road ahead of World Cup
“Jasprit Bumrah coming back is good because there was something missing in that department. I had some concerns before the Asia Cup due to injuries. Winning the Asia Cup does not guarantee that you will win the World Cup. However, it shows that India is in good form,” ‘Yuvi’ added.