Indian cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar has taken a stand for the well-being and education of children in Sri Lanka. As UNICEF’s Goodwill Ambassador, Tendulkar visited schools in the country and met people who were affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and economic challenges.
Tendulkar, who has been associated with UNICEF since 2013 as the Ambassador for South Asia, stressed upon the importance of proper preparation and nutrition. He revealed that neglecting proper meals affected his performance during matches.
“I got out after lunch at an important match, and the first thing I wanted to do was to eat, I learned the hard way that good nutrition plays a crucial role. This preparation was something I unknowingly ignored. I got out after lunch at an important match, and the first thing I wanted to do was to eat,” he was quoted as saying by Eastern Eye.
“Children require a nutrient-rich diet and quality education to reach their full potential. By investing in their education and nutrition, we are not only investing in their future but also every country’s future. Something unique has started in India, which is local therapeutic foods, ready-to-eat packages. Every child should have the right to education. It is the foundation for every child,” Tendulkar added.