Venky Mysore, the CEO of Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR), claimed that he had wished for Shreyas Iyer to join his club for a long time and that his wish was eventually granted during the IPL 2022 mega auction. The franchise paid INR 12.25 crores to get the 27-year-old batter’s services.
Iyer was moreover named captain of the club for the upcoming season, and he will most likely be the franchise’s confront. His recent triumph against Sri Lanka has assist improved his reputation, and Mysore is satisfied to have him connect the KKR squad.
Venky Mysore Tells About The Environment When Shreyas Iyer Is signed
“This time around we were determined to get him. And when we did there was a sense of real elation around the table. We had got our captain and a serious match-winner. At this young age, Shreyas has already achieved a lot and he will only get better with time.” Venky Mysore KKR CEO.
In our opinion, Shreyas, a talented Indian batsman at the top of the order, is a long-term investment. So that’s terrific, and I’m overjoyed. Captaincy is a decision that the coach and the think tank will make. All of today’s and tomorrow’s activities must be digested. But you surely have two excellent choices for us in Cummins and Shreyas.