Star Indian wrist spinner Yuzvendra Chahal has recently opened up about his bond with several senior Indian cricketers such as MS Dhoni, Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma. Chahal is one of the most fun-loving characters in the Indian team and is often seen pulling off pranks with his teammates or shooting funny short videos.
“My teammates are my bros. Mahi bhai, Virat bhaiyya, Rohit bhaiyya or Sanju – there are so many people, I can call them anytime and tell them that I have this particular problem and want to discuss it. There are always ready to hear me out,” said Chahal on The Ranveer Show.
“We spend so much time with each other. If we are together for a month, then it becomes like a family. I think you don’t discuss thing as openly with you family as you do with your teammates. We discuss about personal lives, future plans, and so on. I am not able to discuss some things with my wife as well. I am trying, but it has happened 5-10 percent,” he further added.