In the upcoming edition of the Indian Premier League, Sunrisers Hyderabad will usher in a new era under the leadership of South Africa’s newly appointed T20I skipper Aiden Markram. Earlier this month, Markram was chosen to lead the team as the captain. The success of SRH this year will depend heavily on Markram and senior pro Mayank Agarwal.
The Karnataka batter was all praise for Markram while addressing the same on SRH’s YouTube handle, as he said:
“He is a great guy. Apart from being a fantastic cricketer, he is a great guy. So that tells you a lot about him. I call him the machine, and that’s for a reason. Somebody who works really hard on his game, who really thinks a lot about his game, and who is genuinely a great guy, and who has a very happy and relaxed vibe around him.”
I am really looking forward to playing under him: Agarwal
“I am really looking forward to playing under him because we had a bond when we played for Punjab. I’m really looking forward to building on that when we play now for SRH,” Mayank added.