Mumbai Indians’ three-match winning streak came to a halt after an inspired performance from the Punjab Kings at the Wankhede. While Punjab’s Arshdeep Singh took home the plaudits for his breathtaking death-bowling exploits, Arjun Tendulkar became the talking point after his 31-run over in the first innings.
“It will be tough on him (Arjun), coming in to bowl at the back end at Wankhede where the conditions were good to bat on. He, may be, got one or two (deliveries) wrong, he probably felt under the pressure but he will live and learn from it.
“I think Rohit, who is a very experienced cricketer, felt that he would bowl Arjun at the 14th-15th over. That was a better match-up at that stage in the game. Sometimes, they (decisions) go your way and sometimes they do not. Unfortunately, it did not go his way, and, in hindsight, sometimes the match-ups do not work and that is just the nature of T20 cricket,” Boucher stated further.