Veteran Indian spinner Harbhajan Singh has revealed a lesser-known story from India’s title-winning campaign in the 2011 ODI World Cup. The 43-year-old recalled that the players were restricted from reading newspapers by the team’s then-coach Gary Kirsten.
“Those times (2011) were different. You could get away by not reading newspapers. Now, everything is there on social media. Gary Kirsten had set up a rule and asked us not to read newspapers. If you don’t perform well on a particular day, you will see what people will do on social media. I would advise players to stay away from social media. Don’t see your phones for the next two months,” Harbhajan told India Today.
R Ashwin should play if the opposition has more left-handers: Harbhajan Singh
“People are realising that skill is more important. It’s not like an off-spinner shouldn’t bowl to right-handers. Even I mentioned that Ashwin should play if the opposition has more left-handers, but that is what the management thinks. But if I was captain of the team or part of management, I would pick my five best bowlers and Ashwin would be first or second on that list,” the former cricketer told ESPNcricinfo.