Chennai Super Kings (CSK) posted a heartfelt message for Rohit Sharma after his stint as the captain of Mumbai Indians came to an end. The MS Dhoni-led shared a video message for the India captain on their social media.
In what was a shocking development, Mumbai Indians (MI) on Friday (15th December) announced that Rohit Sharma no longer will be captaining the franchise. They announced Hardik Pandya as a new skipper, stating that it would be a transition for the team.
This marks the end of a successful 10-year stint as captain of Mumbai Indians for Rohit Sharma. He took the leadership of the team midway in 2013 and after that changed the fortunes of the team, making them the most successful franchise in the history of the IPL, which later CSK achieved as well.
Chennai Super Kings posted a reel about skipper Rohit Sharma, sharing his pictures with MS Dhoni. They posted the video with the caption: “2013 ➡️ 2023 : A decade of spirited challenge! Much respect, Rohit!”
Here is CSK’s post:
Rohit Sharma captained Mumbai Indians in 158 games and won 87 games out of them. He would go down as one of the best captains in the league.
“Our Forever Captain Your Legacy…,” Mumbai Indians Pen Down Heartfelt Message For Rohit Sharma
Mumbai Indians also posted a heartfelt video for Rohit Sharma, highlighting his memories and mentioning how in the highs and lows the captain asked them to smile. He added that he would be their captain forever.
“Ro, In 2013 you took over as captain of MI. You asked us to Believe. In victories & defeats, you asked us to Smile. 10 years & 6 trophies later, here we are. Our forever captain your legacy will be etched in Blue & Gold. Thank you, Captain RO.”