Cricket Scotland chairman Anjan Luthra has resigned from his post with immediate effect on Friday, March 31. He resigned after a cluster of resignations from Cricket Scotland’s anti-racism and Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion advisory groups earlier this week, due to a lack of progress in combating racism.
“Cricket Scotland can announce that Anjan Luthra has resigned as Chair with immediate effect. The organisation thanks Anjan for his hard work and input during his time as Chair,” Cricket Scotland tweeted.
“I have resigned from my position as Chair and Director of Cricket Scotland Limited. It’s time the Scottish cricket community hears the truth,” Luthra’s tweet read.
“With immediate effect, I no longer wish to stay in my position as chair and Director of Cricket Scotland Limited. I fundamentally disagree with the way sports Scotland is operating the sport. I believe their priority is to meet the demands of a lobby group and a handful of individuals associated with them- even if that means the wider sport and community will be negatively impacted,” the resignation letter read.
“Stepping down from this position is sad. I care about the sport and genuinely worked tirelessly with the team to improve it,” the letter read further.