A second player from the Delhi Capitals crew has been tested positive for Covid-19 after a Rapid Antigen Test directed on Wednesday evening, the 6th such case in the camp. The Indian cricket board will have one more round of testing before Delhi Capitals’ down against Punjab Kings on Wednesday evening.
The Delhi Capitals-Punjab Kings match was before booked to be played at Pune’s Maharashtra Cricket Association Stadium, however was moved to Brabourne Stadium on Tuesday to keep away from any further transmission of the infection because of any undetected case during a significant distance transport venture in a shut climate.
“The change of venue has been triggered due to (then) five COVID-19 positive cases in the Delhi Capitals contingent,” issue stated by BCCI on a statement.
Delhi Capitals’ foreign player Tim Seifert has been tested positive for COVID-19. (According to PTI)
Australia all-rounder Mitchell Marsh is the other DC player to test positive and must be hospitalized. He played on Saturday against Royal Challengers Bangalore.
Different individuals from the Delhi Capitals contingent to test positive for Covid-19 incorporate group physio Patrick Farhart.