Indian Women Cricket Team will kick start their New Journey under Captain Harmanpreet Kaur. After the Retirement of Mithali Raj BCCI named Harmanpreet Kaur as ODI Captain of Team India. They will start their Tour to Sri Lanka on 23rd June. There will 3 T20IS and 3 ODI’S Played Between them from 23rd June to 7th July.
It will be fresh start for the Team India after their heartbreaking exit from the ODI World Cup 2022.
Live Streaming:
There will be no TV Broadcasters for the Series. The Matches will be streaming on Fan Code and Sri Lanka Cricket YouTube Channel.
But Fans are not happy from the Decision.
The Blame BCCI for all of this. They said BCCI is not promoting Women’s Cricket as much they promote Men’s Cricket.
The Economic crisis in the Sri Lanka is one of the Main Reason that there is no Broadcasters for the Series.
Fans can watch all the Matches for free.