After India’s defeat in the ODI World Cup 2023 final against Australia, social media erupted with strong emotions. Regrettably, some Indian fans directed abusive remarks towards the families of Australian players. Renowned former India spinner Harbhajan Singh urged cricket enthusiasts to refrain from targeting Aussie cricketers and their loved ones with trolling or negative comments.
“Reports of trolling of family members of Australian cricket players is completely in bad taste. We played well but lost the final to better cricket by the Aussies. That’s it. Why troll the players and their families? Requesting all cricket fans to stop such behaviour. Sanity and dignity are more important,” Harbhajan wrote on X.
“Can’t believe this needs to be said BUT you can be Indian and also support the country of your birth where you have been raised and more importantly the team your husband father of your child plays in #nobrainer. Take a chill pill and direct that outrage towards more important issues” Vini wrote in her Instagram post.