Mickey Arthur, the seasoned cricketing mentor, finds himself invigorated by the prospect of witnessing the transformation of the young talents he first nurtured back in 2016 into formidable men of stature. In his capacity as the director of cricket for the Pakistan team, a role he resumed in April this year, Arthur embarked on a mission to redefine the team’s playing style.
The 55-year old’s vision, shared just ahead of their World Cup opener against the Netherlands in Hyderabad, resounds with confidence. He envisions the 1992 champions clinching a second title by adopting a brand of cricket akin to the swashbuckling styles seen from the likes of England and Australia.
“The players have embraced it. It’s going to take a little bit of time, but I always say there’s always two ways to skin a cat. There’s no doubt about that. They’re good enough to do that. But we’re playing a brand that we call the Pakistan way. We’re playing a brand that’s very particular to Pakistan and suits our team dynamic. You watch England and Australia playing this brand of cricket. Our guys will follow that,” Arthur was quoted as saying by the New Indian Express.
Mickey Arthur and Pakistan’s meteoric rise in the cricket world
The former head coach of Derbyshire, whose previous stint with Pakistan (2016-2019) witnessed a meteoric rise in rankings and a triumphant Champions Trophy campaign in 2017, opted for a renewed challenge with Derbyshire, turning down a return to the head coach role in January 2023 by committing to a long-term contract extension with the county side.