Former Indian spinner Harbhajan Singh, however, said that the selectors did the right thing by picking Suryakumar in the side instead of Sanju. According to the legendary off-spinner, Suryakumar is the more reliable choice for playing the role of a middle-order batter. Harbhajan stated that batting at No. 5 or 6 can be a difficult proposition but the 32-year-old can play that role better than the likes of Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli.
“I feel Suryakumar Yadav is a complete, complete player. I don’t think the selectors have been harsh on Sanju Samson. I do feel Sanju is a very very good player, a quality player. But you can only select fifteen players. But picking Suryakumar over Sanju is the right call. Because the game that Suryakumar has in the middle over[s], I don’t think Sanju has that game. Even he goes for big shots from the first ball, but the reliability Suryakumar gives you – he can score big. Sanju I feel plays the kind of cricket where there is a lot of chances that you get out,” Harbhajan said in a chat organised by Star Sports.
“Whereas Suryakumar, I know a lot of people ask what has he done in ODIs, but what he has done in T20s, if his innings is only going to be that long then I feel in that position, there isn’t a better player than Suryakumar in India. What he can do at that position, neither Virat [Kohli] can do, nor Sanju or Rohit Sharma. Because what he does it’s a difficult job, batting at [No.] 5-6. What [MS] Dhoni has done, what Yuvi [Yuvraj Singh] has done.”