In the wake of the official photoshoot held at the Padma Bridge, the ICC Cricket World Cup trophy made its appearance at the Sher-E-Bangla National Cricket Stadium (SBNCS) on Tuesday. It graced the presence of male and female national team players, former cricket legends, dignitaries, organizers, and the press corps.
“I am lucky to have played in the last four World Cups. If I get the chance to play this time, then I would definitely want to do better than the results we’ve had in the past four tournaments,” Mushfiqur was quoted as saying by The Daily Star.
“We have that ability and the belief but everything depends on starting well on the given day. I think it is very important that we start well,” he added.
Addressing the reporters, he said that Bangladesh have got the potential, however, the fulcrum of the team’s prospects resides in the auspicious initiation of each appointed day.
“In view of our well-seasoned stature in the realm of ODIs, coupled with our sustained cricketing virtuosity spanning quinquennial annals, we dare to entertain the optimism of attaining a meritorious denouement,” he added.