Although it was an away game for four-time IPL winners Chennai Super Kings when they clashed against Kolkata Knight Riders, the Eden Gardens was flooded with a sea of yellow at the venue. CSK’s star Kiwi opener Devon Conway revealed that every game feels like a home game due to MS Dhoni’s incredible fan following in the cricket-crazed nation.
“The culture we have here in Chennai is very special and for us, it’s about continuing this momentum. Certainly, having MS makes us feel like every game is like a home fixture,” Conway said after his side’s thumping victory against KKR.
I think my partnership with Rutu calms the nerves and a lot of credit needs to go to Rutu: Conway
“I think my partnership with Rutu calms the nerves. A lot of credit needs to go to Rutu. I’m just trying to be as clear as possible. I’ve always had an issue with the ball on the body, but have been getting over it. By using my feet [against spinners], I get into good positions and get momentum,” Conway added.