MS Dhoni-led Chennai Super Kings (CSK) are all set to square off against Rajasthan Royals at the MA Chidambaram Stadium in Chennai on Wednesday, April 12. Ahead of the crucial encounter, former India cricketer, Sunil Gavaskar opined on the skipper to promote himself up the batting order so as to get the ‘big runs’.
“I am hoping MS Dhoni promotes himself higher in the batting order. So that he gets to play more than two or three overs in the games. He can make that difference for CSK with his batting because he is capable of scoring big runs,” Gavaskar said in a show while speaking on Star Sports.
“Dhoni was born in Ranchi, lives there as well but lives in the hearts of the people of Chennai. Will he play in IPL again after this season or not, it will be known at a later date, but Mahi’s return to this field is no less than a love story in itself,” told Harbhajan on Star Sports.