On Monday, April 3, Chennai Super Kings skipper MS Dhoni scripted history by becoming the seventh player in IPL to score 5000 runs. During the match against Lucknow Super Giants, Dhoni came to bat at number eight and immediately smashed two sixes off Mark Wood. Even though he got out on the very next delivery, Dhoni’s powerful sixes definitely entertained the Chepauk crowd.
“If you ask MS Dhoni, he will ask what difference it makes whether he has scored 5000, 3000 or 7000 runs; the important thing is to win the trophy, which he has done. I don’t think he goes after or thinks about milestones.
“I was also like that. Who knows how many runs have been scored, but it is true that these numbers are remembered later. When you retire, it is remembered that this player scored so many runs in the IPL,” Sehwag was quoted as saying by Sportskeeda.
“The expectation is that the top-order batters will score the most runs. MS Dhoni comes in the middle order or lower-middle order, and he has scored 5000 runs. No player might be able to score so many runs while playing at that number. He is consistent, scores runs and wins matches for his team. He is a very big player,” Sehwag added.